Tuesday 11 February 2014

Life Happens Still

I’m creating my portfolio. I’ve gotten some 2 solid leads I want to pursue. I am shocked at the diverse nature of my assignments covering just 3 and a half months. I guess I should be grateful for the fact that this is a big company.

Co-incidentally, as I ask my direct boss on how to go about creating a brand guideline/brand bible, he informs me of my Big Boss’s concerns on whether I have internalized the corporate brand. My direct boss thinks I have. He’s a better designer so methinks that’s what counts. Of course now I have to impress Big Boss over the next few weeks.

Still, let me finish with this portfolio and see what more is out there. Just in case.
I am proud of the fact that there are press releases and some designs with my copy writing. We’ll see how this pans out in the next 3 years.

By the way I think I should do like a whole month of ‘serious’ prayer to unclog some things that seem too chilled out to move. Me included.

My inner circle has greatly changed over the last 3 years, in a good way.

Ever wondered who reads your blog? Ever wondered whether they are waiting to see whether you’ve matured enough for them to refer you to some ‘big’ guy? It doesn't matter which field you are in.

Ever wondered whether your friends are keeping up to date with your life just through your writing and will hold it against you at some future? What about that hot, intelligent ‘potential’? Will she just find your blog and have you figured out by the second date?

Does this influence how you write and what you post?

But then again, you probably don’t have your own blog or have given it a name as brilliant as untwisted logic which does not betray who you are. Either way, you only sit and laugh/marvel/judge those of us who because of some weird complex have decided to lay ourselves bare to the world (at least the computer-literate members of the global village.) If my mother read this blog…

Before you go, check out this event's poster. I designed it. So do the necessary :-)

So long folks!


  1. Laying yourself bare, huh?
    *looks for all other posts*

  2. Oh no! *goes off to rummage through your blog*

  3. Hahaha my blog was about school work!!!
