Wednesday 23 July 2014

Have Some Whine

I'm tired, sleepy and I just lost my wallet this evening. An hour ago. Does 10.30 pm count as evening? Yeah. I'm also hungry and sleepy. I don't know whether to sleep or eat. What will Richie, the neighbour to my right who knows everyone, think of someone cooking at such a drunk man's hour? Acha Richie, what will his girlfriend think? If either of them is awake, or half awake, or wakes up in the middle of my warming the Kao guy's chapos? It's actually one chapo.

By the way I'm also thirsty. That means heating the water. The house is yet to be sufficiently furnished. That is code for: the house echoes every sound-me doing voice warmups in the bathroom and definitely heating the water with that loud Ssshhh sound that heaters were born to make.

I use this blog to keep you updated on my sometimes lifeless life. If I don't update in a while it's either because I now have a life, or because I still don't and making you aware of it really doesn't add value to your life or... I'll start a new sentence now because that was going to end up as a winding or-thread. I'm starting a new one to attempt explaining that previous sentence but realizing there is no point to that as well.

I'll avoid (thanks to Oyunga Pala's advice to Bikozulu) saying 'I digress' everytime I digress so just try and keep up. Hehe! In this post I intend to inform you that nothing major has happened in my life and ... Ok, maybe there is. I have a new job. I've been at it for 2 weeks now actually. Notice I did not use an exclamation mark after the word job because I think people should celebrate new jobs 6 months later if they still believe it was a great move. Otherwise premature celebrations are for the subject's family and friends. I think the same should apply to weddings/marriages. If by any chance you noticed the third person mention kindly ignore. Thanks.

So, the new job is new. Ermmm... still trying to get my bearing-this has nothing to do with the job but more of the people. I need to know who to not piss off and when. Does that make sense? Lemme rephrase: I need to know who I should avoid getting into a pickle with and better yet their peak 'moody' hours/days/seasons. Trust me, that statement does not apply to ladies only. That I think you might think so does not make me a chauv...ah, whatever man, take it as you like.

Now that I've been typing this I think I've gotten excited enough to lose 30% of the sleepy feeling and 20 of the thirst. Which is a good thing I guess.

Before last weekend only one friend of mine had seen these walls. Now the inner circle shall enter, one by one (I made an exception and had two of the awesomes here last weekend). If you never get to see them (the walls) don't catch feelings. Why you ask? Because life is hard as it is and there are more important things to catch feelings over.

Now I'll sign off.

There are people who have an impact on you: Emmanuel Nyabera and Cyrus Kinyanjui. I salute you. There are many others of course but for now my two former boss/mentors are the ones in mind.
Now to have some water to sort out this sorethroaty feeling. Time:11.47pm

Oh, almost forgot that I lost my wallet. Crap! You know I've never lost my wallet in my entire 27 years in Kenya and 2 days in Uganda? Never. Of course the first 14-16 years don't count since I didn't have one but that's not the point. I've never lost a wallet. Now to start the ID replacement journey. Argh!

Mi naenda kulala.