Sunday, 9 November 2014

The High

There are two things (time spent with a woman excluded for now) which when I engage in, the concept of time changes. Forget how they say time seems to slow down, I'll go with; time ceases to exist. Time seems to slow down suggests that one keeps checking and is aware of the drag. Time ceases to exist tiende ni it is as if one is in a trance.

Before I confuse myself: these two are: When in the creative process of design and when in the execution part of music. There is a reason as to why I'm being verbose, other than the fact that I don't want to take time to write simpler, shorter sentences. You see, those two are different.

Design, by its nature, forces one to continually be creating. This excludes resizing of artworks already created. If  I am designing a logo for exambo, every movement of an element is part of creation. When I wake to: the three minutes feel like three hours or vice versa.

*Writer sneezes and proceeds to blow nose then sniffle as he is under the weather*

On the other hand, music creation (writing/arranging) can be tedious. I find it tedious. I am aware of the passage of time. Execution however, even if it is exact imitation, is effortless and takes to me to that place.

I once told a friend (could have said it twice or to two friends but then that would kill this) that I think music is better than sex. Always use 'I think' so that you can later on defend yourself. She told me it was because I had never had good sex.

I think comparing music to sex is being sex. You tell me, how long does good sex last in your 'system'? You're kidding.

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