Friday, 27 July 2012

How to Go Round in Circles to Make a Simple Point

Yes, I know. I haven’t blogged in a while. Go ahead, judge me and air your opinions on laziness, procrastination etc. (I realize this part makes no sense for a new reader…J).

Form 3 biology lessons were memorable for many reasons. You see, I wanted to be a doctor one day…don’t laugh! Now that you did, that story will not be told.

Secondly, it earned me my first send-away note (the Deputy Principal insisted it was not serious enough for a suspension letter). ‘It’ being missing one revision CAT while in the ArtRoom, finishing my mosaic.

Btw,that's not a pear, it's a dog...(got it at ) 

Thirdly, there was a guy called Pavlov whose name still disturbs me. I met him later on while doing Communication at U.o.N. Yeah, see where that doctor vibe ended?

Enehu, so Pavlov…and I hope am correct, came up with a role modeling theory where some dogs used to salivate at the sound of the bell which signaled that food is on the way. Detour…this topic was taught when the break time bell used to lead to salivation and loss of concentration…pfff, I thought to myself, ati dogs?!

Sigh! I will focus and finish this story. So, if those dogs were mean (like the bulldogs in DMX videos) they would have eaten up the guy, or his research papers, that one when time he rang the bell and didn’t bring food. He would have gone to a conference and went like, the dog ate my… Moving on swiftly, point is people will work with the standards and routine you set out for them.

Too many dog allusions reinforced by the photos will just misdirect  anyone who glances at this post

I failed to mention on my first post that I will blog once every month. Minimum. In those 'heydays' adrenaline, known in kawaida terms as excitos, made me blog after every two days. Ever heard somebody tell you,’umezoea vibaya?’

Well, I’ll be nice and avoid saying that to you my dear, awesome reader.

And folks, this whole blog post is what I call the process of apology-making. Mention your sin, don’t confess immediately…explain yourself and make the person feel guilty for being hard on you then say sorry. You end up not needing to make it up for your wrongdoing.

(K.R. is a coined acronym (Lecture on English for journalists) that means kinda related.)
K.R. A priest once told us that today’s world avoids the word sin and replaces it with ‘softer’ words such as wrongdoing, mistake, error, etc.

The long and short of it (ebu focus!) is, there is a lot in store. Keep it locked here ;-)

On 18th July, I had an *AWESOME* day;
-I got hired to do 2 articles for BusinessMind magazine and they were impressed. Shockingly, me too!
-We did a demo for some festival, hope this music thing works out
-I designed a logo for some company-it’s been almost 2 years since I last designed. My awesome designer brother liked it. Trust me, impressing artists takes a lot.
-Cravemusic magazine published my first ever event review of an artiste I really respect, Winyo. Find it here.

Think Lokua Kanza singing in Luo, majorly through falsetto and great imagery in songwriting (Quaint Photography)

There is something about validation that just… (That was meant to be the first sentence of my next blog post, until I sat down and started typing) 

What I ended up with when I Googled the word  'yippee!' (  )